Exercises to Prevent Golf Back Pain

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golf back painPrior to a round of golf, the following exercises should be carried out to increase flexibility and blood flow. These are simple stretching exercises, not just to help the lower back, but the whole body. Do these as both a warm up prior to your game and as part of your warm down routine afterwards before playing the 19th

It’s also worthwhile spending a few minutes on the driving range, putting and driving before the first tee.


1. Neck

Neck Rotation
Move your head all the way towards your left shoulder and hold. If need be push your chin with your fingers. Repeat this exercise moving your head to your right.

Neck Flexing
Lower your head so your chin rests on your chest. Hold for about five seconds

Lateral Neck Stretch
Lower your head gently towards your lef t so that your ear touches your left shoulder. Try not to move your shoulder though by shrugging. Hold for about five seconds then repeat with your right ear.

2. Shoulder and Chest

Posterior Shoulder Stretch
Position your left arm across your body towards your right shoulder whilst pushing your left elbow with your right hand so that your left hand is reaching down your right shoulder blade. Hold for a few seconds then repeat to stretch your right shoulder.

Anterior Shoulder and Chest Stretch
Hold a club using both hands behind your waist or legs ensuring that your arms are straight. Push out your chest while you raise the club up and away from your back. Hold for a few seconds.

 3. Forearm and Waist

Hold your left arm out in front of you while keeping your arm locked straight. With your right hand, bend (flex) your left wrist as far down as it will go and hold, whilst keeping your left elbow locked. Repeat this stretch except this time turn your left palm up and extend the left wrist as far it will go again using your right hand. Hold for a few seconds. Carry this out again but for your right wrist. This type of exercise frees up your wrists and reduces the risk of tennis or golfer’s elbow.

4. Lateral Back Extension

Hold a club above your head using both hands. Keep your pelvis stationary, bend your body to the left holding for a few seconds. Gently return to the upright position and repeat to your right.

5. Toe touches

Position your feet “at ease” apart. Gently bend forward from your waist and reach down to your toes. The ability to do this will vary between individuals so do not strain to touch your toes if it becomes too uncomfortable to touch your toes completely. Don’t do sudden movement. Do this slowly 4 or 5 times to stretch your lumbar region, then relax. If you are currently suffering with a bad back then its perhaps best just to find a seat and lean over to reach down to your toes instead.

6 Lumbar Rotation

The purpose of this exercise is to loosen the lower back, and should be carried out in the sitting position. Ensuring that your hips are facing forward, twist your upper body all the way to the left, moving your head as well as far as comfortable over your shoulder. Maintain this position for a few seconds. Again, carry this out using your right hand side, then relax.

7.Hamstring Stretches

Whilst standing raise your left leg onto a seat or bench. Lean forward from your waist, ensuring that your back remains straight. Again, carry this out on your right side.

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